Shelby Kerr Yoga

welcome to Sk y Studio!

SKY is the place to make the time for your BEST yoga practice. We’re all about you making a schedule you can commit to, you can take this yoga practice anywhere at anytime.

This is yoga to make you feel good.

Your Weekly Routine Trial

Get access to your weekly routine. Give it a try and fall in love with a ritual that works for you. This is a sample of what you can find on the Home of SK Y

✓ 6 On Demand videos to practice
✓ Access for a whole month
✓ Online Yoga Practice to work WITH your Schedule

SKY believes movement is confidence



Choose what works for you

SKY Membership
Every month
Every year

Join a Yoga class with SKY anytime, anywhere. New classes added weekly to keep your weekly routine fresh. Helping you connect back to your self and back to your body.

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited access to classes anytime
✓ Yoga practice that is nurturing and fun
✓ Taking the "should" out of moving our bodies

Take advantage of one-on-one time with Shelby, working through your specific yoga practice

ONe-on-one Tailored Classes

Refine, Ground & Expand

Refine, Ground & Expand

meet the founder

Don’t worry about what you look like here. I teach yoga so that it is a flexible practice for you. We build on our foundations and grow confidence through our dedication to practice. I teach judgment free because I believe every person doing yoga should be proud of what their body can do.

I’ll see you on the mat!

Xx, Shelby

Refine, Ground & Expand

Refine, Ground & Expand

INSPIRING Confidence through Movement, Yoga that is designed for you